NYC Honorary Street Names | ||
"G" Honorary Streets: ManhattanGary Lincoff Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of Amsterdam Avenue and 95th Street Honoree: Gary Lincoff (d. 2018) was an internationally renowned mycologist (mushroom expert). His books include the ever popular Audubon Field Guide to North American Mushrooms. He was the former president of the New York Mycological Society and taught courses at the New York Botanical Gardens for over 40 years. Nearly all current mycologists, both amateur and professional credit his teaching. He was sought-after by news outlets, and also by physicians in cases of of mushroom poisoning. In addition to NYMS, he was president of the North American Mushroom Association. Although a world-wide inspiration, he mostly explored Central Park, identifying more than 700 species of fungi there by the time of his death. (Rosenthal) LL:2019/158 Genevieve (Jenny) Eason Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of 139th Street and Riverside Drive Honoree: Genevieve (Jenny) Eason [no dates given] was a longtime tenant activist at 626 Riverside Drive. (Levine) LL:2022/54 George Carlin Way (Manhattan) Present name:West 121st Street Location:Between Morningside Drive and Amsterdam Avenue Honoree: George Carlin (1937-2008) was a five-time Grammy Award winning comedian, writer, social critic and actor. Born in Manhattan, he dropped out of school when he was 14 years-old. After serving in the Air Force, he worked for several years as a disc jockey and later formed a duo with comic Jack Burns. He appeared on The Tonight Show more than 130 times and hosted the first Saturday Night Live. His most famous routine, "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television," got him arrested on charges of obscenity after performing in Milwaukee in 1972. The case was thrown out; however the bit played a significant role in the U.S. Supreme Court case that upheld the FCC’s ability to regulate indecent programming on public airwaves. (Levine) LL:2015/15 Gershwin Way (Manhattan) Present name:West 50th Street Location:Eighth Avenue and Broadway Honoree: Honors the brothers George Gershwin (1898-1937), composer, and Ira Gershwin (1896-1983), lyricist. The Gershwin Theater is located on this block. LL:2000/33 Giglio Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the southwest corner of East 115th Street and Pleasant Avenue Honoree: A Giglio is a 75-85 foot tall wooden structure adorned with patron saints and colorful flowers. They are built in honor of an Italian town’s patron saint. It is carried on the shoulders of approximately 120 men in a ritual that dates back to 409 A.D. These annual feasts take place in August throughout Italy and here in the United States. The Giglio Society of East Harlem dates back to 1908 when Italian immigrants continued their tradition from their hometown of Brusciano in Italy. (Ayala) LL:2019/158 Gilda Radner Way (Manhattan) Present name:West Houston Street Location:Between Varick and Sixth Avenues Honoree: Gilda Radner (1946-1989) was one of the original cast members of the groundbreaking Saturday Night Live. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1986 and died at the age of 42 in 1989. LL:2005/43 Grace Gold Way (Manhattan) Present name:West side of Broadway Location:Between 115th Street and 116th Street Honoree: Grace Gold was studying at Barnard College as a freshman when she was killed by a falling piece of masonry at Broadway and 115th Street. This accident led to the City Council passing Local Law 10 which requires that the facades of buildings seven stories and taller be inspected every five years and that hazardous conditions be corrected. (Dickens) LL:2013/131 Gregorio Luperon High School Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the corner of Amsterdam Avenue and 165th Street Honoree: Gregorio Luperon High School for Science and Mathematics, at 501 West 165th St., was founded in 1994 to serve Spanish-speaking students who are new to this country, The school is named for General Gregorio Luperon (1839-1897), a military and political leader and at one point President of the Dominican Republic. The school is located in a largely Dominican neighberhood and, currently, one out of eight of its students is from the dominican Republic. A new program in robotics and aviation, launched in 2018, expands the school’s offerings in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). It has served and touched a large group of Dominicans who reside in Washington Heights. Gregorio Luperón H.S. for Science and Mathematics aims to provide a comprehensive education that prioritizes inquiry among a student body of English Language Learners (ELLs). This learning occurs in a Transitional Bilingual, Dual Language and Free-standing ENL Educational setting, which acknowledges and celebrates students’ language, culture and prior experiences, while simultaneously teaching them English in preparation for post-secondary education. (Rodriguez) LL:2022/54 Guadalupe Rodriguez Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of 173rd Street and Fort Washington Avenue Honoree: Guadalupe Rodriguez (? - ?) founded The Heights Center for Immigrants Advocacy, Inc., in 1994. It is a grassroots group that seeks to improve participants' quality of life and integration in America. The leadership is committed to provide educational services to reinforce academic achievement for higher order skills. A social service component aims to improve parents and children communication, and to foster school home connection. Similarly, the immigration component seeks to strengthen family reunification; immigration and naturalization status; and voter registration. (Rodriguez) LL:2019/158 |
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