NYC Honorary Street Names | ||
"S" Honorary Streets: ManhattanSaint Elizabeth Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the southwest corner of 187th Street and Wadsworth Avenue Honoree: Saint Elizabeth Church, founded in 1869, was originally located at 4381 Broadway at the corner of 187th Street. The church burned down in 1925 and relocated to the southwest corner of Wadsworth Avenue and 187th Street in 1927. The church has been very active in the Washington Heights Community through social ministry, supporting local initiatives, and charity work. It offers food to residents from the surrounding area throughout the year. (Rodriguez) LL:2017/45 Saint Malachy's Way (Manhattan) Present name:West 49th Street Location:Between 8th Avenue and Broadway Honoree: In addition to being a beloved parish church, St. Malachy’s has long been a spiritual home to the theatrical community, and has come to be known as “The Actors’ Chapel.” St. Malachy’s also serves the community with a program to feed and help the elderly poor, as well as provide a residence for these individuals, across the street from the Church. LL:2003/14 Saint Tikhon Way (Manhattan) Present name:East 97th Street Location:Between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue Honoree: During his tenure as Archbishop of North America, Saint Tikhon (1865-1925) moved the Headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church of America from San Francisco to 15 East 97th Street, where the St. Nicholas Cathedral remains today. His office and personal residence as Archbishop was also moved to this location. The cathedral was built at the beginning of the twentieth century and was blessed by Saint Tikhon in 1902. His mission for the Cathedral was to invite people from all walks of life to pray and witness its beauty. He held services in Spanish and English to meet the growing needs of the local Upper East Side community and encouraged the creation of women’s groups in all parishes under his supervision. Quite ahead of his time, he conducted a fruitful dialogue with other Churches - Orthodox, Catholic, Episcopal, and even other non-Christian faiths. This mission of inclusion and community is cherished and continues today; Saint Nicholas Cathedral’s doors are open to all who wish to visit and find peace. He was canonized a saint on November 1, 1981. (Powers) LL:2022/54 Samuel D. Leidesdorf Way (Manhattan) Present name:First Avenue Location:The east side of First Ave between East 30th Street and East 34th Street. Honoree: Samuel D. Leidesdorf (1881-1968) had hoped to be a doctor but had to go to work as an office boy to support his family. He became a bookkeeper, studied accounting, and in 1905 founded what became one of the nation's largest accounting firms. While still in his twenties he began a lifetime of philanthropy in support of medical and educational institutions. He was instrumental in the creation of the NYU Medical Center on its present site on First Avenue, and was Chair of its Board from 1956 until his death in 1968. LL:1996/98 Samuel J. Battle Plaza (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of 135th Street and Lenox Avenue Honoree: In 1911 Samuel J. Battle (1883-1966) became the first African-American appointed to the NYPD. He served the 38th Precinct in Harlem for many years. He became the first African-American to be become Sergeant in 1926, and the first African-American Lieutenant in 1935. LL:2008/64 San Romero de America (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of 179th Street and Fort Washington Honoree: Bishop Arnulfo Romero (1917-1980) was ordained in April 1942. He spoke against poverty, social injustice, assassinations and torture in El Salvador. He was a popular preacher who responded with real compassion to the plight of the poor. For 25 years, he gave dedicated pastoral service to the diocese of San Miguel. He was assassinated while offering Mass in the chapel of the Hospital of Divine Providence. Thirty-five years later, he was declared a martyr of the Church, killed out of hatred of the faith, and was beatified on May 23, 2015. (Rodriguez) LL:2019/24 Santiago Ceron Way (Manhattan) Present name:Sickles Street Location:Between Sherman Avenue and Nagle Avenue Honoree: Santiago Ceron (1940-2010) was the Dominican Republic’s first internationally known salsa singer. He was best known for his hit song, “De Borojol le traigo un son.” He was born in Santo Domingo and later studied at the Bellas Artes. He worked as an exclusive radio and television artist of the famous Dominican Voice. He arrived in New York in 1963 and sang with Arsenio Rodríguez and Pete “Conde” Rodríguez Orchestra. He also collaborated with Tony Pavon and La Protesta. He was also famed as a solo artist with such albums as “Abriendo puertas,” Navegando con sabor,” and “Canta si va a cantar.” (Rodriguez) LL:2017/237 Sara Curry Way (Manhattan) Present name:St. Marks Place Location:Between First Avenue and Avenue A Honoree: Sara Curry (1865-1940) founded the Little Missionary’s Day Nursery in 1896. It provides affordable day care to children of all ethnic and religious backgrounds. The Day Nursery continues to serve its community by dedicating a portion of its income to provide tuition assistance. LL:2012/48 Sareve Dukat Avenue (Manhattan) Present name:West End Avenue Location:Between West 85th Street and West 86th Street Honoree: Sareve Dukat (b. 1948) worked for the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance at the World Trade Center. She was killed in the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. LL:2003/62 Sergeant Finbar Devine Corner (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:SW corner at the intersection of Varick St and Ericsson Place Honoree: Finbar Devine (1929-1995) was the co-founder and longtime leader of the New York City Police Department Band. For decades he was a familiar figure, leading the NYPD band in parades and civic ceremonies. A graduate of New York University, Devine joined the NYPD in 1951, was promoted to Sergeant in 1972 amd retired in 1985. Stationed in the 1st Precinct, he served nearly 35 years. He also served 25 years in the 69th Regiment of the National Guard, reaching the rank of Master Sergeant. LL:1997/50 Sesame Street (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the southeast corner of 63rd Street and Broadway Honoree: Sesame Street debuted in 1969 and has been reaching and teaching children ever since. Sesame Workshop serves vulnerable children through a wide range of media, formal education and philanthropically funded social impact programs. This co-naming commemorates Sesame Street's 50th anniversary in 2019. Sesame Street's offices are at 1 Lincoln Plaza. (Rosenthal) LL:2019/24 Sgt. Charles H. Cochrane Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the northwest corner of Washington Place and 6th Avenue Honoree: Charles H. Cochrane (1944-20 8)was the first openly gay New York City Police Department officer. In 1981, he testified at a City Council meeting in support of New York City’s gay rights bill. At the meeting, he testified that he was very proud of being a New York City policeman and equally proud of being gay. He stood up for what he believed in during a time when there weren’t many openly gay police officers. He went on to help form the Gay Officers Action League (GOAL), the first Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Law Enforcement Group in the United States, which set the pattern for establishing GOAL chapters that now exist in every major police department in the United States and helped advance civil rights issues in relation to sexual orientation. (Johnson) LL:2015/76 Sgt. Jose Enrique Ulloa Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of 177th Street and Audubon Avenue Honoree: Sgt. Jose Enrique Ulloa (1984-2008), a graduate of Washington Irving High School, was killed in the line of duty in Sadr City, Iraq when his vehicle encountered an explosive device. LL:2013/50 Shimon Peres Place (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of 95th Street and Riverside Drive Honoree: Shimon Peres (1923-2016) was the ninth President of Israel from 2007 to 2014 and the eighth Prime Minister of Israel from 1984 to 1986 and from 1995 to 1996. In a political career spanning 70 years, beginning with his election to the Knesset in November 1959, and except for a three-month-long hiatus in early 2006, he was in office continuously until he was elected President in 2007. At the time of his retirement in 2014, he was the world's oldest head of state and was considered the last link to Israel's founding generation. Early in his career, at the age of 20, Peres was elected secretary of the Labor Youth Movement. In 1947 his career as a kibbutz farmer in Galilee ended when he was invited by Levi Eshkol, a future Prime Minister and then in charge of obtaining arms for the Jewish underground, to serve as an aide. With the proclamation of Israel’s independence the following year, Mr. Peres emerged as an aide in the Defense Ministry. After Israel’s independence, Mr. Peres was sent to the United States as head of an Israeli defense mission. He used his three years there to take courses at New York University and Harvard. In 1952, he returned to Israel as Deputy Director General of the Defense Ministry and the next year was promoted to Director General, the top post, at the age of 29. Later in his career, Peres succeeded Yitzhak Rabin as Acting Prime Minister briefly during 1977, before becoming Prime Minister from 1984 to 1986. As Foreign Minister, under Prime Minister Rabin, he engineered the 1994 Israel–Jordan peace treaty, and won the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize together with Rabin and Yasser Arafat for the Oslo Accords peace talks with the Palestinian leadership. (Rosenthal) LL:2022/54 Sholem Aleichem Place (Manhattan) Present name:E 33rd St Location:Bounded by Park Ave and Madison Ave Honoree: Sholem Aleichem, which literally means "peace be with you," was the pen name of Solomon Naumovich Rabinovitch (1859-1916). An author of stories, novels and plays, he was probably the most widely read writer in the Yiddish language. Among his numerous works are the Tevye stories, the basis of the musical "Fiddler on the Roof." A building on this block houses the offices of The Forward, founded in 1897 as a Yiddish-language newspaper and now publshed in both Yiddish and English editions. LL:1996/31 Shona Bailey Place (Manhattan) Present name:West 135th Street Location:Between Broadway and Riverside Drive Honoree: On Oct 27, 1992 police found Shona Bailey's nude body in the basement of her building on 135th St. in Harlem. Aged 21, she had been raped and strangled. Bailey had graduated from F.H. La Guardia High School and attended two years at SUNY New Paltz. An actress with stage credits, She was slated to appear as an extra in Spike Lee's "Malcolm X." (POC 1993 v. 1-A p. 376) LL:1993/24 Shorakapock Natural Area (Manhattan) Present name:Within Inwood Hill Park Location:Generally bounded on the south by Dyckman Street, on the west by the Amtrak ROW, on the north by the Bulkhead Line and on the east by an irregular shifting line (refer to DPR Map M-RW-42-2200). Honoree: Meaning "edge of the river," this is thought to be the original Indian name for the area of Indian habitation in what is now Washington Heights and Inwood. According to the City Council Proceedings "the restoration of the original name of this large area of inwood Hill Park will acknowledge the historical Native American presence in this area of Manhattan." LL:1992/74 Sidney Offerman Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of Nagle Street and Ellwood Street Honoree: Sidney Offerman joined the Board of Directors of the YMHA of Washington Heights in 1945. He was instrumental in the building the Y?s new building when the YMHA of Inwood merged with the YMHA of Washington Heights to become the YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood in 1956. He served as president of the newly created Y until his death in 1975. He was the owner of Amsterdam Color Works in the Bronx, and an active board member of many charities. The Y will celebrate its 100th year in 2017. (Rodriquez) LL:L.L. 2016/23 Sister Mary Irene Fitzgibbon Corner (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:Southeast corner of Sixth Avenue and West 17th Street. Honoree: Sister Mary Irene Fitzgibbon (1823-1896), born in England, came to New York as a child and in 1850 joined the Sisters of Charity. In 1869, with two other sisters, she established the New York Founding Hospital in a rented house at 17 East 12th Street. In 1881 it expanded to to include a separate maternity hospital and adoption services. "The Foundling," now located at this corner, cares for 9,000 childrena and families each year. LL:1997/10 Special Agent Everett E, Hatcher Place (Manhattan) Present name:West 17th Street Location:Between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues. Honoree: Everett E. Hatcher (1942-1989) grew up in New York City. In the US Army in Germany, he was a Deputy Provost Marshall in Germany. Returning to New York in 1975, he taught in city schools and was an investigator for the Manhattan DA office. In 1977 he joined the Drug Enforcement Agency. On February 28, 1989 Special Agent Hatcher was shot and killed during an investigation on Staten Island. At the time, this block was the location of the the DEA's New York Regional Office.. LL:1996/84 St. James Place (Manhattan) Present name:East 126th Street Location:Between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue Honoree: This co-naming honors St. James Church which was opened in 1859. (Dickens) NOTE: St. James Place is also the name of a mapped street in lower Manhattan, extending from Pearl St. to Oliver St. LL:2013/131 St. Mary’s Place (Manhattan) Present name:West 126th Street Location:Between Old Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. Honoree: St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal Church, on the north side of 126th Street, was founded in 1820. Its first building was a frame structure built about 1825. It was demolished in 1908 and the present church erected in 1909. Parts of the orginal rectory were converted to become part of the present parish house. The Sunday School building, located behind and linked to the church, was built in 1890. LL:1992/80 Staff Sgt. Riayan Agusto Tejeda Street (Manhattan) Present name:West 180th Street Location:Between St. Nicholas Avenue and Wadsworth Avenue Honoree: Riayan Agusto Tejeda (1976-2002) was born in the Dominican Republic and came to the U.S. in 1989. Upon graduating from the Fashion Industries H. S., he joined the U.S. Navy and later transferred to the Marine Corps. Staff Sgt. Tejeda was killed on November 6, 2002 after a confrontation with an Iraqi battalion in central Baghdad. LL:2003/62 Stan Brooks Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the southeast corner of 43rd Street and 10th Avenue Honoree: Bronx-born Stan Brooks (1927-2013) was a Senior Correspondent for 1010 WINS News Radio. He worked as a reporter and editor for Newsday for 11 years before becoming Assistant News Director of WINS in 1962. In 1965, as News Director, he led the transformation of WINS from a rock-and-roll station to the first-ever all-news radio station in the United States. During his career, he covered the Attica Prison riot, Chappaquiddick, Vietnam War protests, civil rights demonstrations, the 1968 Democratic National Convention, and the attacks on the World Trade Center. (Johnson) LL:2014/34 Stickball Hall of Fame Place (Manhattan) Present name:East 109th Street Location:between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue Honoree: Of all the games that rose from the streets of urban America, none carried more mystique than Stickball. The 111th street Oldtimers, organized in 1968, used Stickball to reach out to young and old alike, to stay involved and make their neighborhoods a better place to live. In 2001, they and other Stickball aficionados created the Stickball Hall of Fame, located at the Museum of the City of New York. LL:2004/08 Sugar Ray Robinson Way (Manhattan) Present name:Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard Location:Between 123rd Street and 124th Street Honoree: Sugar Ray Robinson (1921-1989) was born in Georgia and moved to New York as a teenager. It was in a Harlem gym that he was first introduced to boxing. He won the New York Golden Gloves championship in 1940 and at the age of 19 turned pro and became the world welterweight champion in 1946. LL:2009/92 Sumner Redstone Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of 44th Street and 7th Avenue Honoree: Sumner Redstone (1923-2020), over a long career in law, entertainment and media, built the conglomerate ViacomCBS, which in February 2022 was renamed Paramount Global. Redstone graduated first in his class from the Boston Latin School in 1940 and graduated from Harvard in 1944. Fluent in Japanese, Latin, French and German, he served until the end of World War II on the elite U.S. Army intelligence team responsible for breaking Japanese military and diplomatic codes. After earning his law degree from Harvard in 1947, he served as a Law Secretary with the U.S Court of Appeals and then as Special Assistant to the U.S. Attorney General. In 1951, he was named a partner in the Washington law firm of Ford, Bergson, Adams, Borkland & Redstone. Three years later, in 1954, he joined National Amusements, a chain of movie theatres that had been founded in the 1930s by his father. A skilled manager, he helped National Amusements expand to 129 screens by 1974. In line with his conviction that “content is king,” he began accumulating stock in Twentieth Century Fox, Columbia Pictures and other content companies, all of which he turned over for significant profits when he sold his positions in the 1980s. In 1987 he purchased a controlling in Viacom for $3.4 billion and became its Chairman. He quickly oversaw a series of acquisitions including Paramount Pictures, Blockbuster Entertainment, DreamWorks SKG, and CBS. In 1996, he was appointed CEO of Viacom, a position he held through 2005. He served as Chairman of Viacom and CBS until 2016. In December 2019, on completion of the merger of Viacom and CBS, he assumed the role of Chairman Emeritus of the combined company. (Speaker Johnson) LL:2022/54 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton Corner (Manhattan) Present name:none Location:the northeast corner of Park Row and Beekman Street Honoree: Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) were pioneers in the struggle for women’s rights. From 1868 to 1870 they published their women’s rights newspaper, “The Revolution” with offices at 37 Park Row. . LL:2004/08 Sylvia P. Woods Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of West 126th Street and Malcolm X Boulevard Honoree: Sylvia P. Woods founded the renowned Sylvia’s Restaurant in 1952. Starting with 35 seats, her success and hard work later resulted in its expansion to accommodate 450 patrons. Her family subsequently developed a catering business and an extensive line of Sylvia’s food products. The Woods family founded the Herbert and Sylvia Woods Scholarship Endowment Fund which offers college scholarships to local residents of Harlem. (Dickens) LL:2013/131 Sylvia Rivera Way (Manhattan) Present name:none Location:Northeast corner of the intersection of Hudson Street and Christopher Street Honoree: Sylvia Rivera (1951-2002) was a long-time activist for gay and transgender rights. She has been credited with throwing the first bottle in the Stonewall Riots on June 28, 1969, which marked the beginning of the modern-day Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights Movement. She worked the last six years of her life at Uplift Lighting, located near the corner of Christopher and Hudson Streets. LL:2004/63 |
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