NYC Honorary Street Names | ||
"P" Honorary Streets: ManhattanP.O. Calabrese and P.O. Keegan Plaza (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the southeast corner of 60th Street and Broadway Honoree: Officer Seraphin Calabrese and Officer Joseph Keegan were both assigned to Transit District 1. Both were killed in the line of duty with their own guns in two separate incidents in the Columbus Circle subway station, while attempting to make arrests. (Brewer) LL:2013/131 P.O. Donald J. McIntyre Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:NE corner of West 215th Street and Broadway Honoree: P.O. Donald J. McIntyre (b. 1962) worked for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. He died on September 11, 2001 during fire and rescue operations following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. LL:2005/43 Pamela North Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:North corner of West 162nd Street and Edgecombe Avenue Honoree: Pamela North (1951-2018) was an innovator in the fields of organization training and development. In 2006, she was commissioned to co-direct a four-week executive and management development program in Trinidad and Tobago for the government ministers responsible for implementing that nation's large-scale systems change program, Vision 2020. As the architect of large-scale intervention on talent retention for the Interpublic Group of advertising agencies, she was the Co-Director of the Or Dyne Global Virtual Teams Conference—one of the first virtual global conferences on the impact of virtual group work on collaboration in the virtual workplace. She was a long-time member and former Chair of Community Board 12. She had also served as Board Chairperson of the Morris-Jumel Mansion; as President of the Metropolitan chapter of Jack and Jill, for two terms during her children’s school years; and as Board Vice-Chair of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone. She was a founding member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Trustee Multicultural Committee Initiative; and on many community advisory boards for NY Presbyterian Hospital. She was also the Chair of the Education Commission at Riverside Church and was on the Board of the 168th St. Armory Track Foundation. (Rodriguez) LL:2018/139 Pat Jones Way (Manhattan) Present name:144th Street Location:Between Hamilton Terrace and Convent Avenue Honoree: Pat Jones (d. 2012) joined Community Board 9 in 2001, served as chair from 2008 to 2010, and was later chair of its land use and zoning committee. She co-authored the legal agreement with Columbia University outlining $76 million in funding and benefits for the neighborhood. She also served on the board of the West Harlem Development Corporation. She was instrumental in several local rezoning efforts, including the Manhattanville and West Harlem rezonings. LL:2013/154 Pat La Frieda Lane (Manhattan) Present name:Leroy Street Location:between Washington Avenue and Greenwhich Street Honoree: The Pat LaFredia Meat Company was founded in 1912. The company is a premier purveyor of meats and was the first in the industry to own a meat delivery truck. This co-naming recognizes the company’s long-term commitment to Lower-Manhattan. The company will place a plaque on its building explaining the history connected with the honorary street name. LL:2003/34 Patsy Lancieri Way (Manhattan) Present name:1st Avenue Location:Between 117th Street and 118th Street Honoree: Patsy Lancieri was the founder and long time proprietor of Patsy’s Pizzeria, an East Harlem landmark that opened in 1933. Over the years, Mr. Lancieri donated food from his restaurant to many community groups including “Each One Teach One”, “Youth Education Through Sports”, and the Manhattan Science Center. LL:2008/64 Paul O'Dwyer Way (Manhattan) Present name:Duane Street Location:Between Broadway and Lafayette Street Honoree: Paul O’Dwyer (1907-1998) was a lifelong advocate for civil rights at home and human rights abroad. He was President of the New York City Council from 1974 to 1978 and later the City’s Commissioner for the United Nations and Consular Corps. LL:2000/63 Paul Ramos Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:The southeast corner of the intersection of Montgomery Street and Henry Street Honoree: Early in his career, Paul Ramos (1941-2000) worked as an operating room technician in a V.A. hospital and other jobs in health care. In 1966 he took a job with the Gouverneur Health Services Program, monitoring the delivery of health care to patients and organized a crisis intervention unit. He devoted the rest of his life to what is today the Betances Health Center, located at 80 Henry Street. LL:2003/14 Paul Robeson Boulevard (Manhattan) Present name:Edgecombe Avenue Location:Between West 155th Street and West 171st Street Honoree: Mr. Robeson (1898-1976), a long time resident of Harlem, was a renowned actor and singer of the 1920’s and 1930’s. An outspoken defender of civil liberties and civil rights, he was also a star athlete and accomplished student at Rutgers University, where he was All-American and valedictorian. In 1995 he was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. He was blacklisted during the McCarthy era for speaking favorably of the Soviet Union. LL:2008/64 PCS Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:Southwest corner of Columbus Avenue and West 60th Street and southeast corner of Amsterdam Avenue and West 60th Street. Honoree: The Professional Children's School (PCS) was founded in 1914 by reformers concerned about the education of the numerous children then working in theater and vaudeville, who often had to skip or drop out of school because of work. PCS, encompassing grades 6 through 12, currently provides an academic education to about 200 children training or working in theater, film, TV, dance, music and sports. Schedules are designed to accommodate training and performance commitments, including remote learning for students on tour. Among its many notable alumni are Marvin Hamlisch, Yo-Yo Ma, Milton Berle, Scarlett Johanssen, Sarah Jessica Parker, Christopher Walken and Rita Moreno. (Rosenthal) LL:2015/15 Pedro 'Pete' Velez Circle (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the northwest corner 115th Street and Park Avenue Honoree: Pedro 'Pete' Velez was a founding member and captain of the Young Devils stickball team, which was organized in 1943. Over the years, the Young Devils has grown to several baseball, softball, football, stickball and basketball teams and also added winter youth programs and programs for seniors. The organization also provided meals for members on Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Ayala) LL:2019/158 Pedro Rafael Landestoy Duluc Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:Intersection of 166th Street and [St.] Nicholas [Avenue] Honoree: Pedro Rafael Landestoy Duluc (1925-2018) was born in La Romana and studied at Santo Domingo's National Conservatory of Music. His first work for piano was composed when he was 20 years-old. He wrote over 100 songs in the pop genre, gaining an international reputation as a composer in the 1950s after escaping the dictatorship of Trujillo and traveling to Mexico and Venezuela. His music has been interpreted by many well known musicians, and his songs have been performed and recorded by such great Latin American singers as Celia Cruz, To±a la Negra, Alberto Beltran, and Vicentico Valdes. In the late 1950s, he moved to New York, where he performed as a pianist in various musical groups, including the Lecuona Cuban Boys, directed by the great Ernesto Lecuona. He went to Puerto Rico in 1962 to join the monastery of San Antonio Abad and to teach music at its school. He returned to New York in 1977. (Rodriguez) LL:2019/24 Pete Pascale Place (Manhattan) Present name:East 116th Street Location:First Avenue and Second Avenue Honoree: Michael Peter Pascale (1914-1997) devoted his entire working life to the LaGuardia Memorial House on East 116th Street, serving for 45 years as its Executive Director until his retirement in 1988. Through his affiliation with the Fresh Air Fund, he sent more than 50,000 children to the country for Fresh Air Fund vacations. LL:1999/3 Peter Jennings Way (Manhattan) Present name:West 66th Street Location:Between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West Honoree: Peter Jennings (b. 1938) was the chief anchor of ABC-TV's World News Tonight from 1983 until shortly before his death in 2005. Jennings also anchored the ABC evening news from 1965-67, which at the time made him the youngest network anchor in TV history. LL:2005/131 Petra Allende Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:Southwest and northeast corners of 2nd Avenue and 111th Street Honoree: Petra Allende (1920-2002) was a leader in the effort to abolish literacy tests for voting. She was elected to the Board of the Model Cities Program and was active in promoting housing and economic development in East Harlem. LL:2012/48 Philip Reed Way (Manhattan) Present name:East 111th Street Location:Between 1st Avenue and FDR Drive Honoree: Phillip Reed (1949-2008) was the first openly gay black member of the New York City Council, representing East Harlem and parts of the Upper West Side and the South Bronx. He was a champion of asthma prevention legislation, HIV/AIDS programs, and affordable housing. LL:2011/47 Phyllis Gonzalez Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the southwest corner of 29th Street and 9th Avenue Honoree: Phyllis Gonzalez (1947-2012) was a long-time housing advocate in Chelsea. She was four-term president of the Elliott-Chelsea Houses. As a social worker for the Hudson Guild, she worked on moving residents from the Allerton and Martinique welfare hotels into the Elliott-Chelsea Houses. She fought hard to make sure the buildings got new closed circuit cameras during a spike of violent crimes. She was also on the Hudson Guild’s Neighborhood Advisory Council, a member of Community Board 4, and a member of the PTA at PS 33. She was instrumental in helping open the Chelsea Recreation Center and would often accompany residents to court and assist with translation. (Johnson) LL:2014/34 Place de Cartier (Manhattan) Present name:52nd Street Location:Between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue Honoree: The Cartier jewelry firm was founded in by Louis-Francois Cartier in Paris in 1847. The New York branch was opened in 1909 by his grandson Pierre. He lived on 52nd Street in the house where the business is now located. The home was originally purchased with a Cartier necklace. LL:2003/14 Police Officer Anthony Sanchez Way (Manhattan) Present name:E 21st St Location:Beween Second and Third Avenues. Honoree: Anthony Sanchez, born in Brooklyn in 1965, joined the NYPD in 1987. He was an outstading officer. In the ten years he served at the 13th Precinct, He earned fifteen commendations for excellent police duty and three for meritorious service. He was shot and killed in the line of duty on May 19, 1997 at the age of 31. LL:1997/76 Police Officer Francis X. Walsh Street (Manhattan) Present name:W 171st St Location:Between Amsterdam and Audubon Avenues. Honoree: Francis X. Walsh (1932-1951), a Korean War veteran, was Boxing Champion of the Mediterranean Fleet in his weight category. He joined the NYPD in 1957 and was assigned to the 34th Precinct. On September 4, 1961, he surprised a gunman who was attempting to rob a grocery store He was shot several times and died of his wounds. LL:1996/17 Police Officer James D. McNaughton Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the northeast corner of West Broadway and Lispenard Street Honoree: James D. McNaughton (1978-2015) was a New York City police officer. He was killed in Iraq while serving with the 306th Military Police Battalion, 77th United States Army Regional Readiness Command. He was the first member of the force to be killed in action in Iraq. The James McNaughton Foundation was set up after his death to raise money to benefit the Wounded Warriors Project and the Northport P.T.S.D. Veterans Association. (Chin) LL:2019/158 Police Officer James P. Leahy Street (Manhattan) Present name:West 10th Street Location:between Bleecker Street and Hudson Street Honoree: Police Officer James P. Leahy (b. 1962) died on September 11, 2001 during fire and rescue operations following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. LL:2004/08 Police Officer Randolph Holder Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of East 120th Street and the FDR Drive Honoree: Randolph Holder served with the NYPD for five years and was assigned to Police Service Area 5. On October 20, 2020, he was killed in the line of duty. (Ayala) LL:2021/14 Police Officer Randolph Holder Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of East 120th Street and the FDR Drive Honoree: Randolph Holder (d. 2020) served with the NYPD for five years and was assigned to Police Service Area 5. He was killed in the line of duty on October 20, 2020. (Ayala) This designation the designation in Section 7 of Local Law 14 of 2021. (Ayala) This designation supersedes Section 7 of Local Law 14 of 2021. LL:2022/54 Power Memorial Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of West 61st Street and Amsterdam Avenue Honoree: Power Memorial Academy, founded by the Irish Christian Brothers in 1931, occupied a building at 161 West 61st St., a former children’s hospital, from 1938 to 1984. Power Memorial Academy produced numerous star athletes, including Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Len Elmore and Chris Mullin. LL:2009/92 Prince Hall Plaza (Manhattan) Present name:West 155th Street Location:between St. Nicholas Avenue and Amsterdam Avenue Honoree: Organized in 1812 in New York City, the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge is the third oldest African-American organization in New York. It is named in honor of Prince Hall (1735-1807) a black social activist of the Post-Revolutionary Era and the principal founder of black Freemasonry in America. LL:2004/08 Professor Juan Bosch Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the intersection of Amsterdam Avenue and 190th Street Honoree: Professor Juan Bosch (1909-2001) was the former President of the Dominican Republic. His influential writings and teachings had a profound impact on students and individuals, especially in the Dominican community. LL:2009/46 PS 84 Sidney Morison Way (Manhattan) Present name:West 92nd Street Location:Between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West Honoree: Sidney Morison (1931-2009) joined the New York City School System in the 1950’s as a math teacher at J.H.S. 118. He later became a math coordinator and Deputy to the Superintendent for District 3, and then served as principal of PS 84 for 26 years. LL:2011/03 Ptl. Thomas J. Gargan Way (Manhattan) Present name:Bank Street Location:Between Washington Street and Greenwich Street Honoree: Thomas Gargan (1904-1947) joined the NYPD in 1927. In his 20 years of service, he was cited six times for bravery and amassed an unblemished record. On August 17, 1947, Ptl. Thomas Gargan was shot and killed in the line of duty when responding to a call about a suspicious man who was seen entering a private premises. LL:2005/131 Pura Belpre Way (Manhattan) Present name:None Location:At the northeast corner of 109th Street and Lexington Avenue Honoree: Pura Belpre (1899-1982) was the first Puerto Rican Librarian in New York State. She was born in Cidra, Puerto Rico and after moving to New York, began working in the garment industry and then became the Hispanic Assistant at the 135th Street Library. During her tenure there, she created outreach programming in Spanish, which was unheard of at the time. It was at the 135th Street Library that she found her love for storytelling. She began her formal schooling in 1926 at the Library School of the New York Public Library. In 1929, she was transferred to the 115th Street Library, where she would stay for the rest of her career. There she instituted bilingual story hours and incorporated traditional Puerto Rican holidays into the Library’s schedule. In 1932, she published her first book, Pérez and Martina, which was a folk tale her grandmother used to tell her. It was the first Puerto Rican book to be read at story time in the Library’s history. In addition to her work within the library system, she helped compile the Archivo de Documentación Puertorriqueña, which collects original Puerto Rican documents. She wrote short stories and compiled The Tiger and the Rabbit and Other Tales, the first collection of Puerto Rican stories to be published in English in the United States. After her husband's death in 1960, she resumed her part time work at the 115th Library as the Spanish Children’s Specialist; however, she also travelled to other areas in New York City that had a high concentration of Puerto Rican children to ensure that they had a library to go to. After retiring in 1968, she helped establish the South Bronx Library Project, which promotes and provides library use and services to Latino communities in the Bronx. She helped the NYPL address the needs of the Spanish-speaking community throughout the city. Her legacy can still be seen today, helping the Spanish-speaking community to utilize and feel welcome in our public libraries. (Ayala) LL:2022/54 |
| © 2005-2022 by Gilbert Tauber